Heat and sound insulation of ventilated facades
"VENT FACADE" series
The facade is the "face" of the building, which has a great aesthetic value, its architectural appearance. But, in addition to this, an integral part in the construction of new objects and in the reconstruction of old ones is the insulation of the external walls of buildings.
In different facade structures, different heat and sound insulation materials should be used, the choice of which is determined by the characteristics and the amount of operational loads on the heat and sound insulation layer in each specific system.
The most common types of facade heat and sound insulation structures:
facade systems with finishing with light or heavy plaster;
facade systems with a ventilated air layer.
Facade heat and sound insulation NOVOTERM provides:
savings on heating and air conditioning of the building;
improvement of microclimate parameters of indoor spaces;
high level of sound insulation;
lack of possibility of appearance of mold on external walls;
increasing the durability of load-bearing structures.
"Vent Facade 35"
It is used for heat and sound insulation in facade insulation systems with a ventilated air gap when performing two-layer insulation as an inner layer.
"Vent Facade 60"
"Vent Fasad 60 SP"
They are used for heat and sound insulation in facade insulation systems with a ventilated gap of the enclosing structures of the building when performing single-layer insulation, with a building height of no more than 32m.
"Vent Facade 80"
"Vent Fasad 80 SP"
They are used for heat and sound insulation in facade insulation systems with a ventilated gap of the enclosing structures of the building when performing single-layer insulation.
"Vent Facade 100"
"Vent Fasad 100 SP"
They are used for heat and sound insulation in facade insulation systems with a ventilated air gap when performing two-layer insulation.
*SP- slabs with facing material made of fiberglass.
The version of physical and technical indicators in English is available for download
Показник | HT Вент Фасад 35 |
Щільність, кг/м3 ± 10% | 35 |
Стабільність розмірів по довжині, ширині, товщині при [(25 ± 2) °С, (90 ± 5)%, 48 г], %, не більше | 1 |
Теплопровідність при температурі (10 ± 0,5) °С, Вт/(м·К), не більше | 0,035 |
Теплопровідність при температурі (25 ± 5) °С, Вт/(м·К), не більше | 0,037 |
Міцність на стиск при 10% деформації, кПа, не менше | - |
Стисливість, %, не більше | 20 |
Границя міцності при розтягуванні в напрямку, перпендикулярному площині плити, кПа, не менше | - |
Вміст органічних речовин, % за масою, не більше | 2,5 |
Водопоглинання при повному зануренні, % за об'ємом, не більше | 2 |
Водопоглинання при частковому зануренні короткочасне, кг/м2, не більше | 1 |
Водопоглинання при частковому зануренні довгострокове, кг/м2 , не більше | 3 |
Паропроникність, м2 /м·год·Па, не менше | 0,3 |
Повітропроникність кг/м2 ·год, не більше | 0,3 |
Вологість, % за масою, не більше | 1 |
Термін ефективної експлуатації, років, не менше | 50 |