Heat and sound insulation of frame structures
"LITE" series
A frame house is a structure based on a wooden or metal profile frame. A characteristic feature of frame structures is the use of non-load-bearing heat and sound insulation. Therefore, heat and sound insulation boards with a density of up to 45 kg/m3 are used in such structures. This material has a low weight, which is very important during the installation and operation of the frame structure. Thanks to low water absorption, NOVOTERM heat and sound insulation remains resistant to the effects of fungus and mold, and the excellent vapor permeability of the material does not prevent the intensive movement of steam from the room. For use in frame structures, the NOVOTERM company produces heat- and sound-insulating boards of the HT Light 30, HT Light 35, HT Light 45 and HT Acoustic 45 brands, the distinguishing feature of which is high-quality fiber. HT Light 30, HT Light 35, HT Light 45 and HT Acoustic 45 plates are easily cut with a knife, they do not crumble and do not break, creating a minimal amount of waste during installation. Currently, multi-layer frame structures are widely used, which allow facing the facades of buildings with various materials (brick, natural wood, siding, etc.).
"Light 30"
"Light 35"
"Light 45"
They are used for sound and heat insulation of external and internal walls, attics, roofs, vertical and sloping walls in attics, ceilings between floors.
"Acoustic 45"
It is used as a middle layer in the constructions of frame and sheathing partitions and false walls, inter-floor ceilings, as well as for additional sound insulation of ceilings.
English language version of physical and technical indicators is available for download
Показник | НТ Лайт 30 |
Щільність, кг/м3 ± 10% | 30 |
Стабільність розмірів по довжині, ширині, товщині при [(25 ± 2) °С, (90 ± 5)%, 48 г], %, не більше | 1 |
Теплопровідність при температурі (10 ± 0,5) °С, Вт/(м·К), не більше | 0.035 |
Теплопровідність при температурі (25 ± 5) °С, Вт/(м·К), не більше | 0.037 |
Стисливість, %, не більше | 25 |
Вміст органічних речовин, % за масою, не більше | 2.5 |
Водопоглинання при повному зануренні, % за об'ємом, не більше | 2 |
Водопоглинання при частковому зануренні короткочасне, кг/м2, не більше | 1 |
Водопоглинання при частковому зануренні довгострокове, кг/м2 , не більше | 3 |
Паропроникність, м2 /м·год·Па, не менше | 0.3 |